Traditional pin up girls have very little physical similarities in comparison to some of today's hottest and most famous models. Traditional pin up girls are more voluptuous and curvy than the thin, tall models that are photographed or walk runways today.
I think that pin up girls most accurately represent women in society today. Women come in all shapes and sizes and no two look alike. Although we are not always comfortable with the way we look or feel in our own skin, it is important for all women to realize that curves are beautiful and we should appreciate our physical appearance just the way we are as long as we are healthy.
If pin up girls were featured in today's advertisements there is a chance that women would have higher self esteem rather than feel under pressure to be more like the thin, waifish figures of models. Many women can relate to pin up girls better, not that today's models are not beautiful in their own way but big is beautiful too.
Suicide girls are a modern day example of traditional pin up girls. Although they are mostly photographed in the nude, suicide girls create an alternative image of real beauty.