The excitement of the first day of school doesn't end once you graduate high school. Many people still see this day as a chance to make a good impression amongst their peers. A lot of college students still hit the mall and go school shopping in order to find that perfect first day of school outfit. Who knows, that cute guy or girl in your finance class at 8 a.m. might notice your brand new sneakers and strike up a conversation.
The concept of looking so fresh and so clean for classes in college however quickly changes as the semester passes. Once the work load finally sets in, social lives are renewed, and exams are around the corner, the way you look no longer matters for that 8 a.m. class. Many students resort to the comfort and classic appeal of old favorites: sweatpants and hoodies.
It is considered the just crawled out of bed look. Students barely have time to brush their hair or teeth before they hurry on to class after a long night of cramming over text books. I know that I am guilty of it on an almost weekly basis. My usual attire is sweatpants, a tee shirt and jacket, and my good ol' Red Sox baseball cap covering my unruly and tangled hair.
This look isn't for everyone and some days are better than others. After some rest and recovery, some students have the energy or resolve to improve their look and wear real clothes to class. Once the semester is in full swing however, those days are few and far between.
I think that looking a mess is just a part of the whole college experience. No one should be embarrassed about what they come to class in because I can guarantee you, the people around you probably look just as tired and under dressed as you do.
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