The percent that a patron tips a server or any other attendant reflects on that persons character. Although leaving a good tip might not actually make you look sexy physically, it does however affect how others consider you. A good tipper can be seen as generous and appreciative while a bad tipper can be seen as cheap and rude.
Current economic times are tough for everyone and I understand the need to save money but many people do not seem to realize that if they are suffering from financial turmoil due to the economy, so is everyone else.
The custom percent to tip has been debatable for centuries but today many agree that 18 to 20 percent is acceptable. However, many people are still only tipping 15 percent for services rendered. An article from The Temple News Online accurately expresses my feelings about the lack of awareness many people have about the wages of servers and what is considered appropriate tipping behavior.
As a server, I only make $3.85 an hour. Taxes and other fees are removed from my paycheck each pay period, usually resulting in a paycheck of negative numbers. Like many others in the service industry, I rely upon the tips I make to pay bills and my college tuition. It is not just frivolous spending money but my life blood. I do not think that many people are aware of that.
I cannot say that all servers or attendants deserve 20 percent if their service is not quality and up to par. But remember, the next time you go out to dinner and enjoy a nice meal with great service, that your server works just as hard as you do and deserves that 20 percent tip. It will certainly make his or her day and will reflect positively on you.
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